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pH Balance

I poured two cups of tap water (which is from a well at 7000 foot elevation) into a pitcher. The pH was between 6.7-6.8.  I added 1/8 tsp. Bio Terrain in powdered form, and the pH went immediately into a normal range. I believe that even less powder is needed to correct the pH.

Bio Terrain is provided by Professional Complementary Health Formulas, a company I have been working with for about two years. My impression is that they are very conscientious, but I prefer MezoTrace because it does not have additives. Bio Terrain powder contains sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium citrate, potassium bicarbonate, (unspecified) cell salts in homeopathic 6x potency, citric acid, sea salt, and potassium citrate.

For astrologers, the cell salts are interesting because they are so well discussed in our literature.

Here is what I told a couple of students who were visiting Santa Fe this weekend. Where one has Mars, there is a tendency to output a lot of energy; but where one has Venus, there is a desire for peace. When Noel Tyl was completing his book on predicting illnesses (and asking for a foreword which he chose not to use), I used one of the charts in his book to discuss this. In her Sun/Mars mode, she was competitive, athletic, fit, and trim.  In her Moon/Venus mode she was sensual and peace loving.  He predicted surgery for her.  Not thinking the way he does, I looked at the underlying patterns and felt that her strength went into her bones and muscles when in the Mars mode and into her blood in the Venus mode.

This is important because there is a constant exchange of nutrients between the various tissues of the body. However, since the blood is critical and pH balances cannot move outside a narrow range before death occurs, acidic blood will leech trace minerals from the bones to correct for pH imbalances. This may result in some demineralization of the bones, depending on the extent of the problem.

In any event, a host of problems are associated with pH imbalances and, in my mind, it is inconceivable that anyone could be healthy without correcting these. I will try this product for a few days and keep reporting. Haven't tried making coffee with trace minerals, but I have been putting ground cardamom into it the last few days to see if Dr. Lad is right about how this protects from the harmful effects of caffeine. I feel so good these days that it's hard to say how much of that relates to cardamom!


Based on the Ayurvedic tenet that taste is a clue to the pharmacology of food, Ingrid relates the six tastes: sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, salty, and astringent to the elements and constitutional balance. The system is so logical and clearly presented that anyone hearing these tapes can immediately begin applying the ideas so as to enhance physical harmony. The relationship of physical and psychological health is also developed to a considerable extent.




Report on Hormonal Milk • Reuters Article on Acidic Water



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